Jeanne Taylor with Gracie & Roux
As I read Barking Mad I was able to immediately identify the types of barking/barkers I have! And believe me, I. HAVE. BARKERS. The exercises to curb the behaviors really do work if you put in the effort - it’s mostly just a matter of training the humans! We trust these trainers and are so glad to have these resources accessible! Thanks, WDU, for helping us progress toward a quieter home!

Regina Hopkins with Ivy & Briar
Another example of the many tools and resources Wonder Dog University provides to help make life changing improvements in how we relate with our dogs. Barking Mad provides simple, yet effective, tools and techniques--from understanding the root causes of barking, to methods for redirecting undesirable behaviors and taking a step back to understand the nuances in your dog’s body language and the various ‘triggers’ for barking. It helps pet owners understand how making simple adjustments in OUR behaviors make a world of difference in how our dog(s) behave!